Saturday, October 25, 2008


I thought I'd just post a quick message since we had a few questions about our Thanksgiving plans....

Before Shirl sent out the message about Meinhart Thanksgiving being on the 8th, we had actually decided to make a trip down over the weekend of Nov 1-2. Jon gets Nov 4 off, so by taking a vacation day on the 3rd (and voting absentee), we have a four day weekend to work with. That was also a good weekend for us to head over to St. Louis to see Grandpa Boedeker, since we won't be making it for his 90th birthday party at the end of November.

SO....we will not be at Meinhart Thanksgiving. We will be down around home next weekend, driving home on Friday night. We are planning to head to St. Louis on Sunday, but don't have any major plans other than that. Right, Mom? We would love to catch up with anyone who is around and available! I know of a couple of new houses and a new baby we haven't even gotten to see yet!

1 comment:

DeAnn said...

Hi Peggy,
I came across your blog through Angie's. I didn't know who the Shibata's were until now. I had to do a double take. Your little girl is adorable. Congrats on the new one coming'll be here before you know it. Larry's sister, Kelly, is due the same day. Just wanted to say hello.